What this policy contains
Food Routines
When your Baby/child starts nursery, food routines will be discussed between parents/carers and practitioners on their settling in day, this will be recorded on each child’s individual care plan/profiles. This will aid Practitioners to identify each child’s stage in the weaning process, and any special dietary requirement. Allergies and health concerns will also be discussed at this time, including sleep routines.
Parents and carers of children who are older that are starting in toddle or preschool, will discuss their child’s dietary requirements with key persons, and will be recorded on their individual care plans.
Parents should aim to bring their child to nursery on time, if they need to be provided with a nursery breakfast or meal. If parents are late, they should contact the nursery in advance.
Outline of Meal Routines
We prioritise milk and water feeds based on each child’s individual needs, so children will have access to milk and water as required throughout the day. (See bottle feeding and sterilisation policy)
Nursery understands and respects that all babies and children develop differently and at different paces, and it can be a worrying and confusing time for parents/carers during this time. We aim to make this transition as smooth as possible by ensuring our key persons work closely with you to discuss dietary requirements your child may have and make appropriate provisions to accommodate any additional needs parents may have.
The process of weaning babies can start around 6 months and can take several months. We use the guidelines from the NHS which contains valuable information on weaning children and would recommend that all parents/carers visit the link above, and or discuss with their health visitor. The nature of many food intolerances often remain unclear, nevertheless we don’t see fit that we delay the introduction of new foods most commonly associated with atopic reactions. The usual list of allergic foods is: Gluten containing cereals (wheat, barley, rye, and oats). Cow’s milk, eggs, fish, cheese. The nursery does not serve meals containing nuts, pork, or beef.
Practitioners will work with parents as well as use daily planning and observations to ensure each individual child is accustomed to the textures of food, and that children are gradually taught how to chew and begin to eat independently at a calm, steady pace with a supportive person there to help them.(see staff supervision and observation policy)
We visibly display each child’s dietary needs lists in each room on a daily basis and continue to regularly communicate with parents regarding their children progress. (See working in partnership policy)
The nursery operates a four weekly menu which are planned in advance and reflect our cultural diversity, for non vegetarian, vegetarian and vegan children. These are available for all parents to see and are regularly reviewed, as well as seasonally changed.
To encourage healthy eating, food tasting and cooking activities are incorporated in the learning and development and help children to become familiar with a great range of tastes and textures, progressing towards solid food, and to make healthy choices. We would like parents and carers to support us to ensure that children are encouraged to try a variety of common foods. We acknowledge that young children may not be keen on trying new foods, or foods they are not used to. To help children become independent learners and ensure they make good food choices we ask parents to cooperate with us. Below are some strategies to support a partnership approach regarding eating:
This policy also includes information that links to:
Working in partnership